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  • TheCryptoNetwork created a new event


    WBF comes at a pivotal time as Blockchain becomes more than a technology, but a strategy to radically redesign the institutions and services we take for granted. The space is changing quickly and there’s no better time than now to be involved.

    We have created a focused event with limited tickets...

    WBF comes at a pivotal time as Blockchain becomes more than a technology, but a strategy to radically redesign the institutions and services we take for granted. The space is changing quickly and there’s no better time than now to be involved.

    We have created a focused event with limited tickets of 750 attendees of investors and CEOs, in order to create great opportunities to network, delve deeper into new technologies, and find incredible investment opportunities. The conference component of The World Blockchain Forum will cover a wide array of topics spanning from the Blockchain, Bitcoin and Ethereum, ICOs, investing, regulation, startups, disruption, and much more. Keynote has developed a strong network of Blockchain industry speakers who will be presenting in 20-minute time slots throughout the two-day conference. There is a beautiful and spacious exhibitors hall where exhibitors and sponsors will be able to interact with attendees on an intimate basis.

     Without a doubt, Bitcoin, Blockchain technologies, and ICOs have become the hottest topics in financial technology, reaching levels undreamed of when the technology was created less than 10 years ago in 2008. Investment in the area in July 2016 – June 2017 surpasses all previous years combined. WBF: WORLD BLOCKCHAIN FORUM has been tailor made with all of this in mind, ensuring the best and most rewarding experience for all.


    16th Apr, 2018 - 17th Apr, 2018
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